1: How do I get transportation from STC?
Check here to see if STC serves your community and then contact your local Department on Aging. If you're still not sure, call STC at (216) 265-1489 ☎ and the Call Center staff can help you.
2: How much does a ride cost?
Your home community pays most of the cost of your trip. Depending on where you live and your your destination, you may pay a small fare. Fares are set by your community or nonprofit provider. STC does not set the amount you are charged, but we will confirm it when you book your trip.
3: Where will STC take me?
Most communities make medical appointments a top priority, including dialysis, rehabilitation appointments or other treatment. We cannot take you home after surgery or any service where you have had anesthesia. Other popular destinations include senior center activities, shopping and personal appointments.
4: When can I ride?
STC is on the road from 7:00 AM until about 4:00 PM. If you have booked your return trip and your appointment is delayed, please call (216) 265-1489 ☎. We will make sure you get home.
5: How can my business advertise on an STC vehicle?
Call STC at (216) 265-1489 ☎ or email info@ridestc.org ✉
6: I'd like to make a donation. Who can help?
You may donate online here in a variety of denominations. Your gifts help us to keep our fares low. Give the gift of independence and mobility to Cuyahoga County Seniors today. STC is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. EIN: 30-0319480. All contributions are tax-deductible.
7: I'd like to work for STC. How can I apply?
STC has openings for drivers and call center staff. No CDL is required, however we conduct extensive background checks. For details, please see our Careers Page.